FMB Team/Individual Pictures, News (Flesherton Minor Baseball)

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Jun 12, 2016 | Admin. | 1528 views
FMB Team/Individual Pictures
FMB will be taking team and individual pictures this year.  The team/individual picture will be included with your registration.  Additional pictures may be also be ordered by each player.  The order forms will be handed out by team managers/coaches the week of June 13.

Picture times are as follows:

Peewees:                     6:00 pm
Major Mosquitoes:        6:15 pm
Minor Mosquitoes:        6:30 pm
Rookies:                      6:45 pm

All team members wear full uniform.
Arrive 15 minutes before your picture time.

Note: picture forms must be filled out and returned at the time pictures are taken, even if not ordering additional pictures.