Apr 06, 2017 | Admin. | 1285 views
On Friday, April 28, 2017, Barb Henry will be honoured before the Blue Jay’s game against Tampa Bay.
Barb is the current President of Flesherton Minor Baseball and Co-President of Western Ontario Baseball Association and will be honoured with 2016’s Volunteer of the Year for Baseball Ontario.
This is a prestigious honour for an individual who means a great deal to baseball in Flesherton, Western Ontario, and all of Ontario. So, we the executive are asking those families involved in Flesherton Minor Baseball, Flesherton, and surrounding area to support her and try and attend the game at the Roger’s Centre on April 28, 2017.
Due to the short time frame, we are unable to organize a group trip, so will leave it up to individuals to make your own arrangements for tickets. We would ask that you try and buy tickets on the 3rd base side of the stadium, to keep us together, if possible, and wear your FMB apparel. If we have enough interest in people wanting to rent a bus, we can look into that as a travel option.
Please support this wonderful leader of Flesherton Minor Baseball and make every effort to attend.
Kevin Green,
Vice President, FMB