Jun 10, 2021 | Admin. | 802 views
2021 Update for Return to Play
FMB Members,
The good news is that baseball is set to open Friday, June 11, 2021 at 12:01 am.
However, similar to last year we are waiting on the Municipality and School Board for approvals to use the diamonds. Your coaches will be in contact with you shortly to let you know when your practices will begin.
We have decided that Blastball and 7U (minor rookie) will not be starting until Stage 2 of the Province's Reopening plans. We anticipate this to be Monday, July 5, 2021, but will confirm this once Stage 2's opening date is announced.
The following will be team nights once we begin (All Times at Arena Diamond until we can play at Highschool):
Monday 6:00 pm - 9U
Monday 7:30 pm - 15U
Tuesday 6:00 pm - 11U
Tuesday 7:30 pm - 13U
Wednesday 6:00 pm - 9U
Wednesday 7:30 pm - 18U
Thursday 6:00 pm - 11U
Thursday 7:30 pm - 13U
Once Step 2 hits: 15-U and 18-U go to High school and Blast ball and 7-U goes Monday at 6pm and 9-U starts Mondays at 7pm.
According to the Province's Reopening Plan games will begin in Stage 2, we are awaiting the WOBA scheduling meeting to determine how game play may look. It will most likely be cohort/pod play against 2 or 3 other teams (pods of 50).
Once we know how many games each team is able to schedule, registration fees will be determined.