2025 Registration Form (Flesherton Minor Baseball)

2025 Registration Form

FMB Specific Information

Note: Extra Uniform fees and tournament fees to be paid on top of registration fee. Tournament fees will be determined by individual coaches, dependent on the number of tournaments.

Payment Requirements

Payments may be made by e-transfer or cash/cheque.

Paying by E-Transfer:

Send the E-transfer from your financial institution to:

[email protected]

Make sure to include your child/children's name(s) and division(s) in the message.

Please use baseball as the answer to the security question. 
If paying by cash/cheque:

Pay head coach before playing first game.  Cheques are payable to Flesherton Minor Baseball.

Anyone registered after APRIL 1, 2025 will be placed on a waiting list and will only be accepted if space permits.

Player/Coach Information

Parent/Guardian Information

For Coaches, input your own information again.

Volunteer Opportunities

Our organization is run by volunteers. Are you interested in lending a hand or "PITCHING IN"? Regardless of how little or a lot of time you can spare, we welcome positive role models to make baseball fun. Be part of your child's team's activities.


To improve our communications and service we would like to correspond with you via email. In order to comply with Canadian legislation relating to commercial electronic messages, we are seeking your consent to communicate with you via electronic messages, including email, related to your relationship with Baseball Ontario including team selection, program, membership, promotional materials and other Baseball Ontario information. You may choose not to receive these communications at any time by emailing us at [email protected]
Privacy Policy:

Baseball Ontario Privacy Policy

I hereby grant permission to Flesherton Minor Baseball Association (FMB) to use the name and limited personal information of the child indicated on this form, and also team and action photographs including their child, in print and in electronic media.  Such photographs, may be used by FMB in publications, including, but not limited to, newspapers, brochures, and the website of WOBA for publicity purposes.  No other personal information (i.e., address, phone number, school) will be disclosed.  FMB is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information.  The Undersigned understands that once the photograph is posted on the website, the image can be downloaded by any computer user and specifically waives his/her rights and protection pursuant to provisions of the Personal Information Protection Electronic Documents Act.

I confirm and provide permission to FMB to providing and updating Western Ontario Baseball Association (WOBA) with the email address(es) printed on this form.  Email addresses may be used by FMB and WOBA for the purpose of provided baseball related information which includes announcements, promotions, schedules, and rule updates, and tryout opportunities.  By not signing this section you will not receive email notices as described herein.

Dual Registration:

By completing this form, you are registering with both Flesherton Minor Baseball Association (FMB) and Baseball Ontario. 

Baseball Ontario appoints Flesherton Minor Baseball to collect fees on its behalf, included in the registration fee collected through this process. No additional monies are charged to the parent registering locally. Baseball Ontario invoices FMB for fees collected.

Liability Waiver:

On behalf of myself and the player being registered, I recognize that baseball entails serious risks. Consequently, except as noted below, I and the player being registered relinquish all rights to a claim of any kind, including the right to a claim for bodily and material damages, regardless of the cause, against Baseball Ontario, its member associations, including Flesherton Minor Baseball Association (FMB) and their respective officers, employees, coaches, umpires, assignees, agents, representatives, and sponsors, even if such damages result from negligence of Baseball Ontario, its member associations, including FMB and their respective officers, employees, coaches, umpires, assignees, agents, representatives, and sponsors.

Without restricting the generality of the preceding, I and the player being registered also relinquish the right to any claim against Baseball Ontario, its member associations, including FMB and their respective officers, employees, coaches, umpires, assignees, agents, representatives, and sponsors resulting from a decision on their part, regardless of the nature of this decision.

This release of Baseball Ontario, FMB and the other persons noted above does not preclude myself or the player being registered from making a claim under any sports accident coverage provided by Baseball Ontario and/or FMB to their players.  An overview of the current sports accident coverage provided by Baseball Ontario can be found at:
Refund Policy:

Refund's will be decided on a case by case basis by the FMB Executive.
Rowan’s Law:

Under Rowan's Law, before any player can be registered with the local association and Baseball Ontario, the player, and the parent or legal guardian of the player if the player is under 18 years of age, must review one of the Concussion Education Resources provided by the Province of Ontario and must review the Player Code of Conduct. Links to these resources are provided here and will open in a separate window:

Province of Ontario Concussion Education Resources:
Concussion Policy 06-23-2019.docx (live.com)

Rowan's Law Acknowledgement:

I hereby confirm that the player being registered to participate in baseball activities with the local association and Baseball Ontario, and the parent or legal guardian of the player being registered if the player is under 18 years of age, have reviewed one of the concussion education resources provided by the Province of Ontario as referenced above and have reviewed the player code of conduct as referenced above. I / we further acknowledge understanding the nature and risk of concussion and head injury to athletes, including the risks of continuing to play after a concussion or head injury is suspected.
Photo Consent:

I authorize Flesherton Minor Baseball Association (FMB) and/or its staff, associates, assistants, or subcontractors to use photograph(s), video and other media image provided for any FMB promotional, educational or other pertinent uses. I also agree to FMB using any images of the named minor(s) gathered by photographers, and or videographers supplying images to FMB.

These images may include, but are not exclusive to, club, coach, athlete and/or parent, and/or volunteer submissions by various member associations of FMB.

I authorize FMB to permit the use and display of photographs and/or recordings of the named minors in any FMB publication, multimedia production, including video and web usage, display, or advertisement.

I agree that FMB may use name, likeness, or information supplied by the undersigned.

The undersigned releases and forever discharges FMB and its officers and employees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of said photographs / recordings, including but not limited to, any claims for invasion of privacy or defamation.
Ontario Baseball Player Code of Contact:

FMB has adopted the Ontario Baseball player code of contact as our own. Click on link from Ontario Baseball for Player Code of Conduct, read and agree to conditions.

Player Code of Conduct 2-9-2020.docx (live.com)
Flesherton Minor Baseball Parent Code of Conduct:

As parents and spectators we must remember that our coaches and umpires are volunteers. FMB appreciates the job they are doing and expects parents to acknowledge their efforts as well. Everyone participating in the WOBA whether as players, coaches, officials, parents or spectators, local or visiting, is entitled to do so in an environment of courtesy and safety. Parents and spectators are encouraged and welcomed to attend all games and special functions hosted by the Flesherton Minor Baseball Association.

Parents please read the OBA parent code of conduct and follow all OBA and FMB policies for Parents and Spectators.
Parent Code of Conduct 01-21-2021.docx (live.com)

Parents/spectators should:

1. Treat EVERYONE with respect
 Cheer in a positive manner for all competitors
 Respect the decisions of officials; they do not care who wins
 Do not interfere with the play or competition
 Be courteous and respectful to other spectators, all competitors, coaches, event organizers and officials

2. Exercise self -control at all times
 Respect the rules and regulations of the facility and FMB
 Refrain from disrespectful conduct of any sort, including profanity, obscene gestures, offensive remarks, taunting or other actions that demean any individual. A “zero tolerance” on these points will be taken
 Refrain from the use of physical force of any kind including the use of threat of violence in any form
 Refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs near the fields or spectator areas
 Refrain from dugout visits during a game

I understand that not abiding by this Code of Conduct or inappropriate conduct may result in my being asked to leave the ballpark by either an umpire, FMB Executive or coach. I also understand that ALL removals will be reviewed by the FMB Executive and may possibly result in me not being allowed to return to the diamond for future games or practices.